I’m Fran! I am 45 years old. I live in Danbury, Connecticut with my 9 year old son, Jason and my husband Jason. I am a special education teacher in Waterbury, Connecticut. I am passionate about writing, reading, doing pallet projects, doing run challenges and having deep meaningful conversations with people. I am a blogger of skiesofblue.org and I love to write about things that are going on in my life’s journey. I love to connect with people and I am most happy when I am either helping someone or giving to them. I wake up in the morning excited about life and energized for a new and exciting day to begin. I love life, I love God, I love my family and I love my friends. I hope you enjoy reading my blogs as much as I enjoy writing them. My blog name is Fran my childhood nickname and Martin is my maiden name, hence Fran Martin.

Welcome to Skies of Blue!

Let’s connect skiesofblue78@gmail.com